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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Reflection for Animated Painting Assignment

What do I like most about my animation?
I like the actions I made my painting do. It makes your eyes look around the painting, up and down and side to side because my actions aren’t all in one spot. I like how the pear flips while jumping off the table, rather then just jumping off. It makes it interesting to watch. I also like the idea of the knife stabbing the pear. I was at first going to have the orange fruit jump on top of the basket, but I thought it would be more interesting if the orange fruit rolled off the table.

What do I like least about my animation?
The photoshoping hands down is what I like least about my animation. The layers kinda got messed up and when I used the tool to paint over something it took different colours from other parts of the painting to where I was working. Then I had to do it in little pieces and had a hard time making it all one colour. Instead it cut piece of the painting out and I had to attempt to go over it and make it look half decent.

What kind of ideas or emotions would a viewer see while looking at my animation?
While looking at my animation a viewer might see the idea of playfulness, happiness, joy, and fun. This could all be contributed to a child. The actions I choose for the animation are very play like (rolling, flipping, jumping) which is behaviour children do when they play with toys, they make them jump and roll. This animation is almost like a child decided to destroy the painting. Taking the knife and stabbing it into the pear, taking the orange fruit and pushing it off the table, and taking the pear and pretended to make it do a flip in the air while it falls off the table. The idea of fun can also be presented because of the playing around with the different fruits.